Light pollution: effects of blue light on the brain


Light pollution It is one of the least perceived, but most widespread, forms of modern pollution. It consists of the excessive presence of artificial light in urban environments and with significant consequences on the environment and human health.

Among its main components is blue light, emitted by digital screens, LED lamps and other artificial sources. This light, Although useful and indispensable in many contexts, it can have negative effects on our brain, influencing sleep, concentration and mental well-being.


What is blue light and why is it problematic? 

Blue light is a part of the visible spectrum, characterized by a short wavelength and high energy. There is in sunlight, of course, but today we also find it in sources such as computer screens, smartphones, tablets and lighting LED.

While natural blue light plays an essential role in the regulate the sleep-wake cycle, artificial sleep can become problematic, especially when exposure is prolonged and occurs in the evening hours. The real risk is that of undergoing an alteration in our rhythm circadian, the body's "internal timer", because blue light inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep.

 Light pollution

The effects of blue light on the brain

The brain is particularly sensitive to blue light, which can affect different aspects of <a href="https://www.snapshotbrainfuel.com/magazine/lifestyle/equilibrio-corpo-mente-10-buone-abitudini-benessere-mentale">well-being mental:

  • Sleep alteration. Excess blue light in the evening delays falling asleep and worsens the quality of sleep. Lack of sleep, in turn, causes difficulty and negatively affects memory.
  • Mental and visual fatigue. Prolonged use of digital devices causes digital eye strain, with Symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches and difficulty maintaining focus.
  • Impact on mood. Sleep disruption and prolonged exposure to blue light were associated with increased stress, anxiety and the risk of depression.

A studio of Oregon State University observed not only the effects of blue light on the brain, but in general on health. The experiment was conducted on flies and made it possible to identify damage to neurons retinal cells, and even a reduction in the ability to movement.

In general, the study shows that exposure to prolonged blue light from devices such as smartphones and tablets causes damage that go beyond just disturbing the circadian rhythm and is able to accelerate aging, thus reducing longevity.


How to protect yourself from blue light

To minimize the negative effects of pollution bright light, it is important to adopt some practical strategies:

  • Use security technologies such as blue light filter glasses or "night" mode on devices Electronic.
  • Switch to correct evening habits, in particular, avoid bright screens at least one hour before bed, and Choose warm lights for night lighting.
  • Take regular breaks according to the 20-20-20 method, which involves looking away from the screen every 20 minutes for 20 seconds looking at something 20 feet away (about 6 meters).

Protect yourself from the effects of blue light on the brain and on the body is therefore essential for one's well-being psychophysical, in particular the cerebral one. And When you feel that your mind is tired and fatigued, remember that you always have a A powerful ally: S-Nap Shot is the functional drink for concentration, based on the exclusive Brain Fuel Formula created by professionals in neuroscience.

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